Canker Sore, Featured, Health Care

6 Easy Steps To Cure Canker Sores

Easy Steps To Cure Canker Sores

[toc]Canker sores are some painful sores that appear inside your mouth – on your tongue, on soft palate, inside the lips or inside your cheeks. They are also called as aphthous ulcers. Canker sores are of two types – simple canker sores and complex canker sores. Simple canker sores commonly occur on younger people between 10 and 20 years of age. This type of sores lasts for a week. But, complex canker sores occur very frequently on those people who have week immunity system.

Canker sores look like white or gray round spot with red border. It pains sometimes and there is a burning sensation. Burning sensation increases or it irritates more in the time of eating foods especially those are spicy, hot and tangy. Sometimes, when the sores get complicated it is often accompanied with fever and physical sluggishness. Cure canker sores quickly before it gets complicated. This article will give you a few tips on how to cure canker sores.

Ways To Cure Canker Sores

Baking Soda, Salt And Water

Gargle For Canker Sores

Gargling with warm water mixed with baking soda and salt is effective to cure canker sores. Take a glass of warm water. Add pinch of salt and pinch of baking soda in it. Stir well to mix everything. Gargle your mouth twice or thrice daily with this water. You will get benefit. Within a few days there will be no sign of canker sores.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloevera For Canker Sores

Slit one aloevera and extract the fresh aloevera gel. Mash the gel with your clean fingers and apply that on your canker sores. Aleovera gel soothes the sores. Moreover, aloevera gel is very cool in nature and it gives relief from pain when it is applied on the sores.

Apply this gel daily to cure canker sores naturally. Aloe juice is also effective. You may get aloe juice in herbal medicine shop. Gargle your mouth with aloe juice twice daily to cure canker sores quickly.

8 Beneficial Herbal Remedies For Canker Sores
8 Excellent Herbal Remedies For Canker Sore


Grapes For Canker Sores

Crush some grapes along with the seeds. Keep this juice inside your mouth 5-6 minutes and then rinse your mouth with this juice daily. It will help you to cure canker sores supplying adequate minerals and vitamin to your body.

Chilled Milk, Sandalwood And Turmeric Powder

Turmeric For Canker Sores

Take a cup of chilled milk and add a teaspoon turmeric and a teaspoon sandalwood powder in it. Stir well to mix everything. Wash your face with this milk again and again. Keep this milk at least 5 minutes inside your mouth and then rinse it. Milk is a great source of minerals and other nutrients.

Milk also soothes and moisturizes your skin and ultimately soothes the wounds. Turmeric and sandalwood has antiseptic properties which cures sores and prevents further attack.

Green Coconut Water

Coconut Water For Canker Sores

Green coconut water is an excellent source of minerals. Keep this water inside your mouth for sometimes so that your skin inside your mouth gets chance to absorb the minerals. Practice this method twice daily and soon cure canker sores.

Daily Intake Of Vitamin C And Vitamin E

Vitamin C For Canker Sores

Take one vitamin C tablet and one vitamin E capsules daily. Vitamin C increases the immunity power of the skin and vitamin E improves the health of the skin. Daily intake helps to cure canker sores.Follow these tips along with a healthy diet to cure canker sores. But, if the problem persists, immediately consult a doctor.