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6 Effective Home Remedies For Gallstones

[toc]There are many people who suffer from gallstones as it is considered as the most common disorder of the gallbladder. Gallstones are also popularly known as the “gallbladder attacks” as it is sometimes very painful and causes a lot of discomfort. If gallstones are not treated at the right time then it can often cause jaundice or pancreatitis, and sometimes even surgery is necessary with the complete removal of the gallbladder.


The most common symptoms of gall stones are acute abdominal pain, back pains, gas formations and indigestion problems and changes in the stool and urine colour. If these symptoms are noticed then immediate action should be taken in order to cure it. Curing gallstone can be simple if proper home remedies are followed regularly. There are various effective home remedies which can cure gallstones completely without any kind of surgery. Below are few effective home remedies to cure gallstones.

6 Home Remedies For Gallstones

Drink Plenty Of Apple Juice

Drink plenty of concentrated apple juice as it is one of the best remedies to cure gall stones completely. Drink small amounts of this apple juice in a span of every one hour and you can see the effective results in just few days.

To make it more effective you can even add ¼ cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice and ¼ cup of olive oil. This home remedy is so effective that it helps to flush out the gallstones within few days.

apple juice

Eat Fresh Fruits And Vegetables

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in order to cure gallstones completely. These high water-soluble fiber fruits and vegetables help to flush out the cholesterol which is one of the major contributors of gallstones and thereby cures as well as prevents gallstone formations. Eat at least 7-8 servings of fruits and vegetables per day in order to receive the best results.


Avoid Dairy Products And Cholesterol Rich Foods

It is best to avoid dairy products and cholesterol rich foods in order to avoid the formation of gallstones. Foods like milk, butter, eggs and meat have high cholesterol which might lead to the formation of gallstones. So it is best to avoid such foods or have it in very small quantity in order to cure as well as prevent gallstone formation.


Drink Herbal Tea

Drinking a herbal tea called quebra pedra is an effective remedy to cure gallstones completely. Take 2 teaspoons of this tea and mix it well with 2 cups of water and drink this herbal tea in small amounts throughout the day. Regular intake of this herbal tea for a month helps to flush out the gallstones completely.

Herbal Tea

Drink A Mixture Of Olive Oil, Lemon Juice And Garlic

The mixture of olive oil, lemon juice and sliced garlic is an effective home remedy for curing gallstones. Take 20 ml of olive oil in a cup, add the juice of a half cut lemon and add few slices of one clove garlic, stir the mixture well and drink it at regular intervals. This mixture is very effective and helps to cure gallstones completely.

Olive Oil

Drink Mixture Of Beet, Cucumber And Carrot Juices

A mixture of beet, cucumber and carrot juices acts as a very useful remedy for curing gallstones. The mixtures of these juices help to cleanse the gallbladder and thereby flush out the stones and cure the disorder completely. Follow these effective home remedies on a regular basis and successfully cure gallstones completely.

Beet Juice

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