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9 Magical Herbal Remedies For Sinus Congestion

[toc]Sinus Congestion is basically a condition in which the nasal passages of the person become congested or blocked. This blockage is mainly caused due to common cold, allergies, smoke, pollen grains etc.The nasal blockage causes the tissues of the nose to become swollen, inflamed and irritated. Sinus congestion causes congestion in the nose, mucous discharge, bad breath, headache, tenderness, persistent dry cough etc.

9 Remedies For Sinus Congestion

Sinus congestion is basically treated by pain killers, cough syrups, antibiotics and steam inhalations. If sinus congestion is not treated timely, it can lead to other bacterial infections which may cause sinusitis. it is very important for a person prone to sinus congestion to keep the environment clean of irritants and get oneself checked by a proper doctor periodically. However, there are certain herbs available which can help in providing relief from sinus congestion without any side effects.

9 Herbal Remedies For Sinus Congestion

Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle is one of the very famous herbal remedies used for curing Sinus Congestion. This herb contains a component known as quercetin, which helps in reducing in inflammation of the nasal passage caused due to sinus. Stinging Nettle is also rich in anti-histamines which help in clearing the congestion of the nasal passage and chest, thereby providing relief from symptoms of sinus congestion.

Stinging Nettle

This herb also contains Vitamins C, which is very useful in providing relief against sinus problem and boosts the overall immunity of the body. Stinging Nettle can be easily brewed into a herbal tea and consumed for instant effect.

Yerba Mansa

Yerba Mansa is another very powerful and time tested herbal remedy used for treating patients of sinus congestion. Yerba Mansa is famous for its property to dry the nasal passage and is especially very effective in cases of sinus infection where there is copious mucous discharge.

Yerba Mansa

This herb also helps in reducing the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passage and its astringent properties help in providing relief against the sinus problem. Yerba Mansa is a very good tonic for the mucous membranes and can be used in form of nasal sprays to get relief from symptoms of sinus congestion.


Goldenseal has been used since ancient times to provide relief from Sinus Congestion. Berberine is the main component of Goldenseal, which helps in reducing the inflammation of the mucous tissue of the nose and reduces congestion.


It also helps in fighting against the microbes responsible for nasal blockage and helps in drying the mucous discharge from the nose. Goldenseal can be used in form of tincture, nasal sprays, nasal wash, capsules etc. to get relief from sinus congestion.


Garlic has been used traditionally to fight against sinus congestion. Garlic boosts the immunity of the body by helping it fight against infection causing microbes, bacteria and viruses. Sinus congestion mainly occurs due to the infections which cause the mucous membrane of the nasal passage to become inflamed. Garlic also provides warmth to the body, thus further relieving symptoms of sinus congestion.

garlic For Sinus Congestion

Garlic can be easily consumed as part of daily diet by adding it to your cooking. Garlic can also be eaten raw or in form of pills. Heating garlic and mustard oil, then applying the same on hands, feet and chest, helps in providing instant relief from sinus problem.

5 Amazing Herbal Remedies For Sinus Congestion
Top 5 Home Remedies For Sinus Congestion


Eucalyptus is another time tested herbal remedy for getting relief from sinus congestion problem. The oil of Eucalyptus contains a component known as cineole, which helps in reducing the inflammation of the tissues of the nasal passage caused due to sinus infection.


The Eucalyptus oil also helps in loosening the mucous congested in the nasal passage and subsequently removing it from the nose. Eucalyptus oil can be added to steaming water and then inhaled to reap maximum benefit in cases of sinus congestion.


Ginger is yet another very effective herbal remedy to fight against sinus congestion problem. Ginger helps in providing warmth to the body which is very effective in loosening the mucous from the nasal passage. This herb also helps in reducing the inflammation of the tissues of the nasal passage and helps in fighting against the infections responsible for sinus congestion.

ginger For Sinus Congestion

Drinking ginger tea helps in instantly elevating sinus related headaches and chest congestion. It can also be eaten raw, in form of ginger juice mixed with honey or pills.


Echinacea is also a very useful and powerful herbal remedy to fight against sinus congestion. Echinacea helps in boosting the immunity levels of the body and helps in fighting against the bacteria which causes sinus.


This herb is also very useful in reducing the swelling and irritation of the nasal passage caused due to inflammation of the mucous tissues. Due to these properties of Echinacea, it is also known as a cold and flu herb. Echinacea is easily available in the market and can be consumed in various forms like pills, tincture, tablet etc.


Elderberry is a renowned herbal remedy used traditionally to fight against sinus congestion problems and symptoms. Elderberry is very rich in Vitamin C content, which helps in curing runny nose by drying the mucous discharge from the nasal passage.


It also boosts the immunity of the body and helps in fighting against the bacteria and virus which causes sinus infection. Elderberry also helps in minimizing the feeling of pain associated with sinus congestion. Elderberry is the main component of many cold and flu syrups which are administered to children and adults.


Licorice is yet another very useful herbal remedy for treating sinus congestion. Licorice helps in soothing and calming the inflamed tissues of the nasal passage which are the main cause of irritation during sinus. This herb also helps in dissolving the mucous which congests the chest and then helps it to expel the mucous from the nasal passage.


Licorice also helps in fighting against the infections which cause sinus congestion and boosts the overall immunity of the body. This herb is very effective when taken in form of herbal tea.

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