Blackheads, Featured, Health Care

Top 5 Causes Of Blackheads


[toc]Blackheads are small bumps that appear on the skin due to clogged hair follicles. The bumps look dark or black and so they are termed as “blackhead”. They are actually a mild type of acne that are mostly seen on the face. However, they may also appear on other parts of the body.

Blackheads are one of the most common types of skin disorder that affects millions of people all over the world. It should be noted that there is nothing too serious about blackheads and they can be treated easily. In this article, we will be focusing on a few of the common causes of blackheads. Let us check them out!

Various Causes of Blackheads


We all know that taking a puff is injurious to health. Smoking usually blocks the pores of the skin, thus causing blackheads. In fact, even if you start off with the treatment of blackheads without quitting on smoking, your blackheads will not get cured.


As cigarette smoke contains fine particles of tar, ash and other harmful chemicals that damage the surface of the skin as a result of which you have more dead cells and blocked pores.

Family History

If you have a family history of blackheads, for instance, if any of your parents have had this problem, then there are high chances that you too will be affected by this disorder. In this way, blackheads can be referred to more of an innate problem. Most of the people who suffer from blackheads have actually got it through inheritance of the family gene.


One of the most common reasons due to which millions of females across the globe suffer from blackheads is “cosmetics”. Sleeping with make up on your face is more than a crime. If you do not clean your face after dolling up with makeup then it is likely that you will have clogged pores.


Cosmetics contain certain ingredients that are harmful for the skin if allowed to persist for more than a few hours. Thus, it is advisable to for good quality makeup and remove makeup before you hit the bed.

Alcohol And Caffeine

If you are a coffee addict or have alcohol on a frequent basis, then it is quite natural that you will see blackheads occur on your skin especially on the face. Researchers have proved that both alcohol and caffeine can have disastrous effects on the health of the skin.

So, cut down on alcohol as well as on caffeine as they have a tendency to reduce the size of the pores of the skin, thus making them more susceptible to clogging due to which blackheads form.

Alcohol And Caffeine

Unclean Skin

One of the major factors that can cause blackheads is an unclean skin. Hygiene is very essential to keep the skin healthy so that blackheads do not appear.

If the skin is unclean then the pores get blocked due to the buildup of many dead skin cells within the pores. These blocked pores speed up the buildup of oil in the skin, thus leading to the eruption of blackheads.

Unclean Skin

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