Featured, Gout, Health Care

5 Causes And Symptoms Of Gout

[toc]Gout is commonly known as an arthritis which is majorly caused due to the toxic build up of uric acid in the body of an individual. Gout usually appears in the joints when the liver and the kidneys are not able to absorb excess uric acid formed inside the body of an individual. In such situations, uric acid gets concentrated in the form of a by-product that gets transformed into crystal deposits.
GoutPainful conditions can arise due to this phenomenon and the areas that are affected in the worst manner are the joints of the knees, the ankles, the feet, the wrists and the elbows. The big toe joint experiences tremendous pain due to gout which can also lead to painful conditions of kidney stones. The causes & symptoms of gout have been discussed below:


Joint Sensitivity

Joint sensitivity works as the most important clue about having possible gout. The joints that are affected by gout are found to be swollen, they feel hot, irritated and are sensitive even to the slightest touch. The joint of the big toe is the targeted joint for gout in many people which produces a condition called Podagra. This is a condition that makes it impossible to put on a shoe or even walk.

Joint Sensitivity

Suffering And Pain

Not only joint sensitivity that occurs due to the accumulation of uric acid that gets transformed into crystals but along with this there is extreme pain felt in the area that is affected by gout. One major symptom of gout is painful attacks experienced during the night that hinders proper sleep.

Suffering And Pain

Skin Peeling And Itching

Another noticeable symptom of gout is itching that is felt around the affected area accompanied with skin peeling. This usually happens when the gout attack starts subsiding.

Skin Peeling And Itching

Red Highlighted Skin

This is one of the major causes & symptoms of gout that can be recognized very easily. Red skin formation around the areas of the joints is quite common due to a gout attack. This even happens in the joints of the big toe. The above mentioned symptoms and causes of gout have to be taken care of in the proper manner because they can turn out to be very dangerous and can lead to worse situations of health. The best thing to do in this respect is to visit a physiotherapist and in case the condition does not improve, people can try out other effective measures.

Red Highlighted Skin

Effective Natural Cures For Gout
How To Treat Gout


Uric Acid Formation

Excess uric acid that does not get absorbed by the kidneys and the liver turns into urate crystals that build up around the body joints.

This can be summed up as one of the major cause among the other causes & symptoms of gout. This formation can also lead to severe pain and inflammation of the joint where gout occurs.

Uric Acid Formation

Breakage Of Purines

Purines are chemicals that are broken down by the body and they produce uric acid. Purines are found quite naturally in the human body and they are also found in foods like anchovies, herring, mushrooms, organ meats and asparagus.

Breakage Of Purines

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