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How To Treat Dark Circles

[toc]A great majority of people around the world have dark circles near eyes. Dark circles affect beauty of your eyes. It is a treatable condition. Treatment options include adequate rest, proper nutrients, stress coping techniques, and anti-pigmentation remedies.

Dark Circles

Meditation and deep breathing exercises help in reducing the stress-related factors. This helps in curing dark circles as well. Reducing alcohol and cigarette can help to treat the dark circles by reversing the effect of the free radicals in the body. Right sleep habits play an important role in treating the dark circles. Keeping yourself hydrated reduces dark circles as well. Let us try to understand more about how to treat dark circles.

Ways To Treat Dark Circles


This is one of the most important treatment options for dark circles. Lack of sleep is known to play a critical role in the development of dark circles. Therefore, it is important to practice proper sleeping habits.

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Establish a sleep pattern. Sleeping and waking up at the right time reduce the pressure on the eyes. Make sure you sleep for at least 8 to 9 hours a day. If you feel tired during daytime, you can consider taking small naps. This helps in resting your eyes and treating the dark circles.Sleep


Dark circles abate in intensity with the treatment of stress. This is because dark circles are known to have an element of stress associated with them. If you suffer from chronic stress, learn stress coping techniques. Treating stress effectively corrects the hormonal imbalance in our body.

It creates positive chemical reactions. All of these significantly help to treat the dark circles. Reading books, listening to music, meditation and laughter are great ways to reduce stress. A simpler way to reduce stress is to change your environment. This helps in creation of new thoughts.



Skin pigmentation depends on the melanin level of the body. Pigmentation differs from one individual to another. People who have sensitive skin can easily get dark circles if exposed to sun for long durations of time. Therefore, it is important to use SPF (sun protection factor) creams before going into the sunlight.

These creams block the harmful radiations of sun from affecting the skin around your eyes. You can also use other ways of reducing heat and sun’s rays from increasing the pigmentation near your eyes. Wearing a cap also helps in reducing the dark circles during summer time.



This remedy has been used in the East for centuries to treat dark circles. Simply cut slices of cucumber and place them on your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. They help in cooling down the skin around your eyes.

Cucumber also helps in hydrating the outer layer of the skin. You can make cucumber paste by mixing it with water and apply it to your eyes. Wash this paste off your eyes 15 minutes after application. Repeat it twice a day for getting better results.



Dark circles also have an element of dehydration associated with it. Therefore, it is wise to keep yourself hydrated. Drink fluids regularly. Drinking different types of juices during summer surely helps in keeping your body constantly hydrated. Excessive drinking is known to worsen the condition of dehydration. Consider reducing your alcohol intake.

If you desire to go out for a sun tan, consider taking cool bath as soon as you return home. This helps in reducing the dehydration and stopping the darkening of the skin under the eyes. Formation of dark circles is a very common condition. It can affect anybody. SPF creams, stress reduction, cucumber treatment and regular hydration surely help in treating the dark circles. These treatment options are commonly used around the world to treat dark circles effectively.


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