Featured, Herbal Remedies

Top 8 Herbal Remedies For Dermatitis

[toc]Dermatitis, which is an umbrella term that covers all types of skin inflammation and a variety of skin ailments, is not at all fun for those who bear with it. This acute skin condition might manifest in the form of skin rashes to bumpy rashes, blisters, swelling, itching, burning sensation, crusting and scaling of skin, ruddiness etc.



Dermatitis cause severe itching and the sufferers tend to scratch the skin vigorously in the hope of getting some relief leading to painful oozing bumps that finally crust over. Unbearable itching sensation will continue leading to severe inflammation and infected blisters. This uncomfortable skin condition is often treated with prescription medications. But there are many herbs that can heal dermatitis successfully by strengthening the body and tissues. Herbal remedies actually give lasting relief from dermatitis, if they are taken under the supervision of a proficient health care provider

Herbal Remedies For Dermatitis

There are many topical creams and ointments that are infused with herbal extracts. They are easily available from drug stores and herbal medical stores. There are different herbs that perform different functions in clearing and curing dermatitis. There are alterative herbs, adaptogen herbs, anti-inflammatory herbs, diaphoretic herbs and nerve relaxing herbs to treat the skin condition.


Chamomile comes as a wonder herbal remedy for those who suffer from dermatitis that is characterized by peeling, swollen and irritated skin. Chamomile and chamomile extracts do a great job in healing different kinds of dermatitis. The medicinal purposes of chamomile are well known for more than a thousand years.

In case of severe skin abrasion, warm chamomile tea bag can be pressed on the area for a couple of minutes, and can be repeated once it cools down. Chamomile extract-infused creams and salves are also available. Pick a handful of freshly plucked chamomile flowers and wash them properly. Boil them in a pan of water. When it cools down, wash the affected area with this water.



Licorice is an important herb that is loaded with anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. It does a great job even in treating eczema.

The use of licorice gel or oil is found to be effective in healing atopic dermatitis and the related skin ailments. Drinking licorice infused water will also helps in finding soothing relief from dermatitis.


Evening Primrose Oil

EPO is another popular herbal remedy for dermatitis. This time-honored herb works in healing dermatitis by increasing the level of essential fatty acids (EFAs) in the body.

This property of EPO helps a lot in treating many skin ailments including eczema, and the varieties of atopic dermatitis.

Evening Primrose Oil

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St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects are known to help in dealing with dermatitis. The major substance in this herb is hyperforin, which is excellent in curing bruises and mild burns thanks to its antibacterial abilities.

Topical application of the extract from St. John’s wort gives relief to a great extent from different varieties of dermatitis including eczema.

St. John’s Wort


A member of aster or daisy family, marigold has traditionally been used in the treatment of dermatitis. The potent anti-inflammatory properties in this herb helps in healing dermatitis and other skin ailments including diaper rash, sunburns and redness.

The flavanoids and antioxidants present in the herb combat oxygen free radicals and stimulate the healing process. Calendula creams are easily available from drug stores.



Chickweed extract is a wonder medicine when it comes to treating all kinds of skin irritations. The herb soothes itchiness and ruddiness. Chickweed extracts are available in slave and ointment forms.

This demulcent herb is loaded with antioxidants that cure eczema and itching. The herb is excellent in soothing lesions and crusty areas of the skin that is affected by dermatitis.


Witch Hazel

Witch hazel helps in soothing itchy inflammation of the skin, a main characteristic of dermatitis.

Oozing dermatitis and itching can be dealt with to a great extent with this soothing herbal remedy. A clean cotton ball can be dipped in witch hazel juice and can be directly applied on the affected areas of skin to get relief.

Witch Hazel


Burdock is another useful herb that has been traditionally used for the treatment of several skin ailments including dermatitis thanks to its body cleansing capacity. This herbal remedy for dermatitis ensures healthy skin by flushing out toxins from the blood by promoting efficient liver function. Burdock tea can be consumed to enhance skin health since it acts as a blood purifier.

If you do not get desired level of healing and relief from dermatitis, it is advisable to consult a skin specialist for further investigations.


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