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Top 9 Home Remedies For Gout Pain

[toc]Gout can affect any part of your body with acute pain, tenderness and swelling. It is not easy to get rid of the condition completely and usually needs intense treatment of many years. Home remedies for gout are ways to reduce the pain and inflammation which occurs whenever the pain intensifies. The affected area gets tender and movement becomes really difficult if the condition is not treated on time.

9 Remedies For Gout Pain

In such condition, though medication is necessary, home remedies are also recommended which are very effective in providing relief. These home cures are also known to help in the healing process and help to return normalcy. These are without any kind of side effects and help in tackling the problem in the long run. So, here are some things which you can do to treat gout at home. Hope you find these remedies useful and get relief from the pain.

9 Home Remedies For Gout Pain

Apply Cold Water

Cold water can be applied on the painful area to reduce the discomfort. It helps in reducing the swelling, tenderness and also the pain. You should not use ice when you suffer from gout, as it will damage the skin and make the condition worse. You can apply cold water for 10 to 15 minutes at a stretch.Do this 4-5 times in a day, or whenever you feel the need to reduce the pain. In case you wish to use ice, you need to use ice cubes wrapped up in a towel and then apply it on the affected area. However, you should remember that excessive use of ice packs will crystallize uric

water bottle

Use Baking Soda

Gout pain occurs mainly due to the increased uric levels in the body which causes pain in different parts of the body. While searching for home remedies for gout, we try to find ways by which uric acid can be lowered in the body so that pain is brought under control automatically. Baking soda is one such ingredient which helps in reducing the levels of uric acid in the body and that too naturally.Once uric acid reduces gout pain attack reduces and any kind of existing pain reduces also. You need to mix one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and mix it well. You can drink this every day and twice a day when you are experiencing the symptoms. This will help in reducing the tenderness as well as pain.

baking soda


Bananas are extremely effective in curing gout along with helping you to stay healthy. These are rich in potassium which helps in the conversion of uric acid crystals to liquid form. This liquid form of uric acid can be easily flushed away from the body.Bananas are also a rich source of vitamin C which is known to prevent and reduce joint pains and swellings. Consumption of at least 2 bananas in a day will help in relieving the pain. Alternatively, bananas can be had as a smoothie as a part of breakfast – a healthy way to start the day.


Manage Your Weight

You need to have a healthy weight – free from excess fat. If you are obese and started experiencing symptoms of gout, you should immediately start thinking about ways to lose weight and should sustain the healthy weight. Exercises are important to ensure smooth blood circulation, especially around your joints. This will ensure that you do not experience severe gout pain and if you have never suffered from gout, your chances of its attack are also reduced.

weight manage

Causes And Symptoms Of Gout
Effective Natural Cures For Gout
How To Treat Gout

Consume Lemon Juice

It is vital to alkalize your body and neutralize the excessive presence of uric acid in your blood. In small glass mix a whole lemon juice with a teaspoon of baking soda. Let this mixture rest for at least thirty minutes and then add this into a glass of water. Consume it immediately.It will neutralize the excess acid present in the blood and help in getting relief from pain. Alternatively, you can also drink lemon water every morning which is equally effective and help in reducing inflammation and tenderness caused due to gout.

lemon water

Stay Hydrated

Drink ten glasses of water everyday to help all your organs function normally and keep away gout attack. Staying hydrated will help in removing toxins from your body which are responsible for gout attacks. If you do not have enough water, toxins tend to accumulate in and around your joints, which disrupt the normal blood circulation and result in pain.

Staying hydrated

Have Cherries Everyday

Cherries have antioxidant properties which help in the treatment of gout. These are also rich in anthocyanins which help in treating inflammation and prevent tenderness. If a gout patient has 20 cherries in a day, it helps enormously in bring the pain under control. You can have fresh cherries, cherries in your salad or cherry juice whichever way you prefer. In case you are not able to get fresh cherries you can go for canned cherries too.


Have Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is a useful ingredient which can be successfully used in treating gout. In a tub add water and mix Epsom salt thoroughly till it dissolves well. You can then soak your affected body part in the water and relax for at least thirty minutes. It will relax all your aching muscles and offer relief from the pain. You can follow this remedy once in a week for best results.

Epsom Salt

Have Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is used as a medicine for several ailments due to its therapeutic properties. In a glass of water, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and drink it immediately. This will help in reducing the pain and inflammation associated with gout. You can also mix apple cider vinegar with honey and have the mixture twice in a day – early in the morning and before sleep at night.Honey has anti inflammatory properties and its acidic nature helps in providing relief from the pain. Hope the above home remedies help you in successfully managing gout and you get relief from its pain.

apple cider vinegar