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10 Effective Herbal Remedies For Perimenopause

[toc]Perimenopause is also referred to as menopausal transition. It is the time during which the body moves towards menopause. There are various herbs which can be used to treat perimenopausal bleeding. Menstrual irregularities as well as fatigue and depression are some of the symptoms of this condition. The hormone estrogen has been known to rise and fall in irregular patterns during perimenopause.


Herbs which can be used for perimenopause include Lady’s Mantle, Chasteberry, Cinnamon, Valerian, Siberian Ginseng, Evening Primrose, Gingko Biloba, Black Currant, Flax Seed, Red Clover and Angelica. Some of these herbs ensure relief from menstrual troubles during perimenopause. In this article, we will explore some of the best herbal remedies for perimenopause.

10 Top Herbal Remedies For Perimenopause

Siberian Ginseng

Siberian Ginseng regulates estrogen production. It also ensures relief from depression during perimenopause. Eleutherococcus Senticosus is the botanical name of this herb. Siberian Ginseng is very useful for treating problems such as irregularities in estrogen production which are experienced during perimenopause.

Siberian Ginseng also wards off the lethargy and listlessness that accompanies perimenopause. Certain substances in this herb called eleutherosides improve immune system functioning as well. Siberian Ginseng can be taken in the form of extracts or supplements for best results.

Siberian Ginseng

Red Clover

Trifolium Pratense is the botanical name of this herb. This perennial herb contains phytochemicals like isoflavones which produce estrogen like impact on the body. It is ideal for regulating menstruation by balancing estrogen levels. Red Clover has been found to reduce hot flashes and improve bone density.

Red Clover tea can be prepared using this herb and consumed for best results. Red Clover has also been shown to increase good cholesterol in perimenopausal women. It contains phytoestrgens which are of great benefit as well. Red Clover flowering tops can be used to brew herbal tea. This herb can also be taken in the form of a tincture.

Red Clover


Angelica Sinensis is the Latin name of this herb. It is also called Dong Quai. This herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to cure many ailments. Painful menstruation as well as premenstruation syndrome can be treated using this herb. Dong Quai or Angelica dilates the blood vessels and helps in warding off circulatory problems as well as menstrual irregularities.

Angelica root can be boiled in water and the liquid strained and consumed for best outcomes. Angelica root tea can also be made and drunk for beneficial results. Coumarins and tannins found in Angelica make it an effective cure for menstrual problems during perimenopause as well.



Cinnamomum Zeylanicum is the Latin name of this herb. Cinnamon is widely used as a spice in baking cakes and muffins. This herb is also very effective for treating perimenopausal bleeding. Cinnamon also checks a heavy menstrual flow and ensures regular menstrual cycles.

Cinnamon powder can also be sprinkled in dishes and hot drinks and consumed for good outcomes. Cinnamon has a spicy but sweet taste and this herb is even a known cure for diabetic problems.



This herb is also known as Chaste Tree. Vitex Agnus-castus is the botanical name of this herb. This herb gradually eases menstrual problems during perimenopause. It achieves this through progesterone production in the body. It also decreases heavy menstrual flow in perimenopausal women. Chasteberry also contains phytoestrogens which helps to stabilize estrogen levels in perimenopausal women.

Chasteberry tea, tincture or extract can be taken by women to ward off premenopausal symptoms such as menstrual difficulties caused due to high prolactin levels. Chasteberry reduces the levels of the hormone prolactin in the body thereby causing regular ovulation and menstrual periods.


Lady’s Mantle

Alchemilla Vulgaris is the name bestowed by botanists to this herb. A sixteenth century botanist christened this herb as Lady’s Mantle. The leaves and roots of this herb contain medicinal properties. Tincture made from the leaves of this herb is effective in stemming the flow of heavy menstrual bleeding.

This herb can also be used in combination with other herbs like Witch Hazel and Shepherd’s Purse. Lady’s Mantle can also be taken in the form of an extract for help during perimenopause. You can take this herb before the onset of menstruation to prevent menstrual irregularities or heavy bleeding.

Lady’s Mantle


Valeriana Officinalis is the Latin name for this herb. Valerian root can be used to relax the person’s mind and make him or her calmer. Valerian is also a natural sedative which can soothe the person completely. Valerian root extract can be taken to ward off sleeplessness and problems such as depression which are experienced by perimenopausal women often.

Valerian root can also be used to brew tea or a hot drink for getting relief from the problems associated with menopausal transition. This herb can help to calm mental agitation and restlessness. It promotes sound and restful sleep at night. It also lowers stress and anxiety in perimenopausal women.


Black Currant

Oil from the seeds of this herb helps to reduce breast tenderness, water retention, anxiety and mood swings in perimenopausal women. Ribes Nigrum is the Latin name of this herb. The leaves and fruits of this herb are also used to make certain medicines. Black Currant seed oil contains an active ingredient called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) which boosts the immunity of the body and wards off fatigue.

As lethargy and exhaustion are some of the common problems encountered during perimenopause, Black Current seed oil is an efficacious herbal cure for this condition. Black Currant seed oil can be really excellent in treating the common complaints faced during perimenopause.

Black Currant

Flax Seed

Flax Seed is taken from the herbaceous plant known as Flax plant. Linum Usitatissimum is the botanical name of this herb. Flax Seed oil is high in lignans which aid in treating fatigue and lifting a person out of depressed mood states. Flax Seeds can also be roasted and ground into a powder.

This can be taken for alleviating problems of anxiety and depression encountered during perimenopause. Flax Seed contains Omega 3 essential fatty acids which are very effective in warding off stress induced problems and menstrual irregularities in perimenopausal women.

flax seeds

Gingko Biloba

Gingko Biloba is a herb which has been used extensively in Chinese traditional medicine to treat problems and diseases caused by poor circulation and lowered immunity. Health and vitality are promoted by this herb. Gingko Biloba is a restorative which is very useful for warding off fatigue experienced during perimenopause.

This herb can be taken in extract or supplement form for helping women to counter stress, anxiety and exhaustion during perimenopause. Gingko Biloba improves the blood flow in the body and also ensures healthy functioning of the menstrual system. It is good for strengthening and toning uterine health as well.

Gingko Biloba