Featured, Natural Cure

12 Effective Natural Cures For Allergies In Children

[toc]Only a parent understands what a nightmare it is to deal with the allergies that one’s child has. They are triggered by some very basic environmental factors, foods, chemicals, and just about anything around them.

Allergies In Children

This disorder results in hypersensitivity of the immune system of your child to these factors. It may result in dry eyes, runny nose, dry mouth, coughing, fatigue, hay fever, hives, bronchial asthma and other allergic reactions. This can make life really tough for the child and parent. Allergy medications contain antihistamines which come with their own side effects. Fortunately, natural cures are very effective in helping you deal with allergies in your children. Given here are some useful remedies that can be used in children suffering from allergies.

Natural Cures For Allergies In Children

Nasal Irrigation

Nasal irrigation is very helpful as it helps to flush out the allergy causing pollens from your child’s sinuses. Mix a quarter teaspoon of salt in a glass of filtered water and put this solution into the child’s nose with the help of an eyedropper.

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Use a bulb syringe to draw it out again. You can also use a neti pot for this purpose. It is especially designed for pouring saline solution through children’s nostrils in order to clean them out. Do this twice a day in order to treat and prevent onset of allergies.

Nasal Irrigation

Inhale Steam

Allergies in children mostly cause irritation and inflammation in the nasal sinuses. Nasal congestion due to allergens can also make it difficult for the child to breathe easily. Inhaling steam is very beneficial in the treatment of these symptoms. It will reduce nasal congestion and help soothe the nasal lining.

Special equipment is available these days for this purpose. One can also do it easily at home with some hot boiling water. The face has to be lowered over it and steam should be inhaled deeply. An adult needs to handle and monitor the child during this process.

Inhale Steam


This is a natural remedy for treating allergies in children which they love. Honey contains very potent antibiotic antiseptic properties, and is rich in antioxidants. It helps to boost your child’s immunity and prevents onset of allergies.

Let your child have two teaspoons twice a day. Get good quality honey that is free of additives. Also, do not give honey to children under one as it is not considered safe for them.



This herb has strong anti-inflammatory properties and works as an astringent. It is very beneficial in decreasing excessive secretions from the child’s nose and eyes. So, if your child suffers from allergies often and has a runny nose and eyes, eyebright can be used as an eyewash and nasal rinse.

Make an herbal tea by boiling some eyebright powder in a cup of water. Let it steep for a while and use the cool solution twice a day.



For children suffering from allergies quite often, bayberry is a very useful herb. It contains tannins which are powerful natural astringents. Bayberry, therefore, acts as an astringent and helps to reduce sneezing and a runny nose.

However, this herb should be avoided if the child has a dry and scratchy throat. Bayberry can be taken internally as tea or its capsules can be taken regularly by the affected child.


Baking Soda

Skin allergies in children can be effectively treated using baking soda. It helps to treat the irritation and inflammation on the skin, especially due to hives. If your child is suffering from a skin allergy, soaking in a warm bath to which half a cup of baking soda has been added, will provide lot of relief from the irritating skin condition, and help the child sleep well at night.

Baking Soda


Licorice helps to reduce inflammation, cough, cold, bronchitis, and respiratory problems. It can be given to children with allergies to get relief from the painful symptoms. Licorice syrup can be given to the child daily, or one can even chew its stick. Make sure you are giving unsweetened syrup as too much added sugar can worsen the inflammation due to allergies.



Quercetin is one of the most effective natural cure for allergies in children, especially the nasal allergies. It helps to provide relief from the pain and blocked nose due to sinusitis. Quercetin contains vitamin C and acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory, thus aiding in the treatment of symptoms due to allergies.



Mullein is an herb that has been used traditionally in Europe since ages to treat chest colds, sore throats and allergies in children. It is one of the most useful natural cures for treating a variety of health conditions. It can be used effectively during the allergy season as a tonic that helps open the clogged sinuses of your child.

Mullein contains mucilage, and some amounts of tannins and saponins, which help expel mucous from the child’s body and soothes the mucous membranes. You can mix it with a little olive oil and apply on skin to get relief from the itching due to eczema and other skin allergies. Mullein is considered safe for use in children and acts as an analgesic, relieving pain and allowing the child to sleep well.


Citrus fruit

Citrus fruits contain ascorbic acid which is very beneficial in reducing blood histamines, the very cause that triggers seasonal allergies in children. Therefore, children with allergies should consume plenty of citrus fruits like limes and oranges every day.

You can also give the child vitamin C supplements, but citrus fruits are the best natural option for treating allergies. Children enjoy drinking fruit juices, so give these in juice form which they will relish.

Citrus fruit

Foods Rich In Essential Fatty Acid

Research studies have confirmed that children who eat more foods rich in essential omega3 fatty acids suffer less from allergies. These are beneficial in reducing the histamine levels which helps decrease allergies in children.

The child’s diet should include salmon and other oily fish, flaxseed oil, canola oil and walnuts. You can also supplement your child’s diet with fish oil capsules which are rich sources of these fatty acids.

Foods Rich In Essential Fatty Acid

Cut out dairy

Milk protein, also known as casein, seems to increase mucus production in the children and irritates the immune system when a child is suffering from allergies. Research studies have confirmed this fact and children with allergies have been advised to cut out dairy from their diet completely.

This helps in improving allergic conditions like asthma and eczema in most affected children. Calcium and protein can also be obtained from other dietary sources, and such children should make use of them for nutrition.

Cut out dairy