Body Itching, Featured, Health Care, Natural Cure

5 Effective Natural Cures For Jock Itch

[toc]One of the most annoying skin diseases is fungal infection. Jock itch is a type of fungal infection which affects the skin. In medical terms, it is also known as Tinea Cruis. The infection is caused when the skin is exposed to a fungus known as Trichophyton Rubrum. The symptoms of this type of infection are itching, redness, flakes on skin and burning sensation.

5 Effective Natural Cures For Jock Itch

People having diabetes or who are obese are more prone to this kind of a fungal infection. As it is a contagious disease it can easily be caught by people with a weak immune system. There are a number of medicines available in market that are cures for this infection however, natural cures for jock itch can be effective and are as follows:

Natural Cures For Jock Itch

Tea Tree Oil

Extracted from tea leaves, tea tree oil proves to be a good measure to cure a number of skin infections. In case of jock itch, tea tree oil is used on priority. Along with the antibacterial quality the oil also has a deep cleansing effect which helps in cleaning the fungal infection from the skin. You must apply the oil on the affected area twice a day to witness the positive effects.

Tea Tree oil


Garlic is as effective in curing external infections in the body, as it is helpful in curing internal diseases. The best way to cure the infection is to crush the garlic and extract its juice. Mix the juice in warm olive oil and apply it on the infected area at least three times in a day. It is advisable to eat garlic daily, as it will help in improving the immune system of the body.


White Vinegar

There are certain properties of white vinegar that can prove to be beneficial in curing the fungal infections. To cure the infection, mix one part of vinegar with four parts of distilled water. Apply the mix gently on the affected area and allow it to dry. Wash it once and then apply some more vinegar and coconut oil on the area to avoid spreading of the infection.

White Vinegar

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Application of onion to cure fungal infection may not sound very great. However, the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of this vegetable make it an effective remedy that can help in curing fungal infections like Jock Itch.

One needs to make a fine paste of the onion or onion juice or its oil and apply it gently over the affected area. For effective results leave the paste as is for thirty minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water. Repeat this process atleast for a week.


Iodized Salt Bath

Regular table salt acts in fighting against the infections that spread on skin. Salt not only prevents the infection from spreading, but also helps in reducing the same. You must mix salt water in lukewarm water and take a bath with this water. Alternatively, the affected area can be washed separately with the salt water. In both the cases the affected area should be soaked in the salt water for 30 minutes.

Iodized Salt Bath

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