Featured, Health Care, Laryngitis

How To Treat Laryngitis In 5 Easy Ways

[toc]Laryngitis is the infection in the larynx or the voice box of the human body which causes inflammation and also results in a change in the voice. Laryngitis is caused mainly due to either too much strain on the vocal cords or due to virus of cough and cold.


Some of the symptoms of this disease are pain in the throat, hoarseness and scratchy feeling inside throat. The inflammation and pain of Laryngitis can be easily cured with few simple and completely natural remedies as below:

Various Ways To Treat Laryngitis

Warm Water

Warm water can provide an effective relief in the acute condition of laryngitis. The first effect of warm water is that it kills harmful virus and bacteria. It also helps in healing the inflammation of the vocal cords.

You should add half tea-spoon of common salt to a glass of warm water and use it to do regular gargling. The gargling must be done many times in a day to get quick relief in the condition. The amount of salt in the water must be balanced in order to avoid irritation.

Warm Water


Garlic has a unique antimicrobial quality which can help in healing the throat. Garlic is also essential in killing virus and bacteria. Take a clove of garlic, and split it into two equal halves. Put both the pieces of garlic in each side of the mouth. The garlic juice from the raw garlic must be sucked in slowly, till you can get its taste and smell. When this process is repeated several times in a day, it provides an immense relief to the symptoms of laryngitis.


Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is considered to be very effective in reducing the symptoms of laryngitis Squeeze the juice of one lemon and add this juice to a cup of warm water with a pinch of salt. You must gargle with this solution several times in a day. Lemon juice can also be added to a cup of hot tea, or you can also add few drops of lemon juice to your glass of drinking water. Lemon juice has an acidic content which helps in killing the bacteria as well.

Lemon Juice


Laryngitis can be treated by taking a spoon of honey, atleast thrice a day. Honey has astringent property, which provides relief to the sore throat. The inflammation of the throat is also cleared by taking raw honey. You can also consume honey by adding it to herbal tea, or by mixing it with lemon juice.


Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil, which is useful in treating various forms of cold related infections, is also useful in healing laryngitis. Take a bucket half filled with boiling water and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to it. Use a towel to cover your head and inhale the steam for at least 10 minutes. This process should be repeated twice a day to get the desired benefits.

A healthy lifestyle is the main requirement to prevent all kinds of viral or bacterial infections. It is important to give rest to the throat and consume lots of warm water when you have laryngitis. Inhaling humidified air and sucking lozenges can also relieve the symptoms. These natural remedies are very effective in treating the disease, as they are both easy as well as harmless remedies.

Eucalyptus Oil

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