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5 Excellent Herbal Remedies For Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

[toc]Heavy menstrual bleeding or menorrhagia is a very difficult condition for women to cope with. Stress is commonly associated with heavy menstruation. Hormonal imbalances can also create this problem. Some of the best herbs to cope with this problem include Red Raspberry, Black Cohosh, Agrimony, Sage, Yarrow, Shepherd’s Purse, Lady’s Mantle, Cinnamon Bark, Vitex and Kava.

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Heavy menstrual bleeding also results in women prone to menstrual irregularities. Please consult your gynecologist before taking any of these herbal remedies. These herbal remedies help to restore hormonal balance and ensure regular flow of menstruation in women. In order to gain healthy menstruation, you can use some of these herbal remedies. This article discusses some of the top herbal remedies for heavy menstrual bleeding.

5 Top Herbal Remedies For Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Raspberry Leaf

Rubus Idaeus is the Latin name of this herb. It is used to regulate menstrual cycles and tone the uterus. This herb is also good for stopping heavy periods. This is because Raspberry Leaf is an astringent herb which stops excessive bleeding by constricting the blood vessels.

This herb also alleviates cramping during excessive menstruation. Red Raspberry or Raspberry Lead strengthens the uterine wall and promotes the health of the reproductive system thereby decreasing the flow of heavy menstruation. You can drink Raspberry Leaf tea to counter heavy menstrual bleeding.

Raspberry Leaf

Shepherd’s Purse

The botanical name of this herb is Capsella Bursa-pastoris. Its other names are Pickpocket, Locowort, Shepherd’s Heart, Toywort, St. James Weed, Rattle Pouch, Witches Pouches and Case Weed. This herb can regulate the menstrual cycle by regulating the hormone function. This reduces menstrual flow and stops heavy menstruation. You can take this herb in extract or supplement form for best results.

Shepherd’s Purse

Lady’s Mantle

Alchemilla Vulgaris is the botanical name given to this herb. It is called Lady’s Mantle because it is very good for treating women health issues. It is especially beneficial for regulating menstrual flow. Tannins found in this herb help tone the uterus and ensure relief from excessive menstruation.

This herb is also rich in salicylic acid which gives it sedative and stress relieving properties. So, it is very useful for giving relief from stress induced heavy menstruation. Take this herb in extract or supplement form for good outcomes. You can also take this herb in tincture form for benefits.

Lady’s Mantle

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Achillea Millefolium is the Latin name of this herb. It is botanically named so after Greek hero Achilles who used this herb to staunch heavy bleeding in wounded soldiers during battle. This herb  is also known as Sneezewort and Soldier’s Friend. Yarrow is taken to reduce heavy menstrual flow by constricting blood vessels.

Tannins are chemical compounds found in this herb which restrict the flow of blood and are therefore effective in reducing excessive menstruation. Cyclic hemorrhaging can also be prevented by using this herb. Take Yarrow leaves and brew herbal tea from them adding honey or any other natural sweetener. Drink this tea regularly to benefit from this herbal remedy.



Salvia Officinalis is the botanical name of this herb. It is also known as Red Sage or Garden Sage. Herbalists have used this remedy to treat menstrual problems for a long time now. This herb can reduce menstrual bleeding in women who suffer from menorrhagia.

Oils and tannins found in this herb give it anti-spasmodic and blood reducing or astringent properties which can prove very effective in healing painful, heavy menstruation in women. Sage is known chiefly as a culinary herb but it can also be used for medical purposes such as these. Add Sage leaves to your salads, dishes and gravies and consume this magical herb to relieve excessive menstrual bleeding.
