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5 Naturual Treatments For Inflammation During Menstruation

[toc]The most dreaded time for any woman is the month when periods occur. There is tension and stress even when we miss the monthly cycle. There is a lot of pain and throbbing associated with periods. During this cycle, the uterus contracts in order to expel the lining. Prostaglandins a hormone like substance are triggered causing the contractions in the muscle of the uterus.


This causes inflammation and pain. When the amount of prostaglandins increases the menstrual cramps and pain also increases. This leads to discomfort and hinders the day today activities like work, school etc. A study revealed that 3 out of 4 women suffer from menstrual pains and one out of ten women feel severe cramps during this time. A few natural remedies to treat inflammation caused due to menstruation are discussed below.

Natural Treatments for Inflammation during Menstruation

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Sweet Marjoram is another effective herb known to relieve menstrual cramps. The best way to use this is to apply a hot compress on the stomach area when the menstrual cramp is experienced.

Another effective herb is sweet fennel. It aids the regulation of the menstrual cycle and hormonal imbalance. It also plays a major role in the reduction of muscle spasms.

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Herbal Tea

An herbal tea brewed with the flowers of chamomile is a great way to get rid of inflammation caused due to menstruation. Chamomile is known to possess antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, which are beneficial for the menstrual pain.

It also aids digestion, preventing constipation. This herb is also a nervine and decreases stress, relaxes the nervous system and keeps the body in a restful state. Chamomile is great when it is sipped as a tea during the menstrual cycle. It drives away the pain and irritability experienced during this time.

Herbal Tea

Essential Oil Massages

A soothing massage with essential oils or using a hot compress on the stomach gives relief from pain associated with menstrual cramps.

German Chamomile is known to decrease inflammation. This oil contains azulen, which reduces pain, calms the nerves, and even prevents mood swings.

Essential Oil Massages


Exercise is the last thing on the mind during periods. It is the time of the month, where you just want to rest and do not want to move. However, exercises like walking or any physical activity is known to relieve stomach pain.

The body pumps more blood when you indulge in any kind of physical activity, which helps in releasing endorphins. These endorphins work against prostaglandins and decrease the cramps. For overall well being, it is recommended to exercise at least 3-4 times in a week, especially if you experience pain during the menstrual cycle.


Have An Orgasm

In order to get rid of menstrual cramps, you can try having an orgasm, which is proved to helpful in this situation. Prior to an orgasm, it is said that the uterus is relaxed and at the time of climax, the flow of blood becomes more which help in relieving cramps.

You will feel better immediately after an orgasm, as it induces the release of endorphins. An orgasm helps in relaxing the whole body and enables you to sleep well.

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