Bunion, Featured, Health Care

Tips On How To Cure Bunions

[toc]Bunions are known as a deformity of the hallux abducto valgus and it is usually characterized through lateral gaps in the great toe of the feet. This can also be called the enlargement of the bone in simple terms or even the engorgement of the tissues around the joints of the big toe.9 Methods To Cure Bunions Treatments and cures for this illness are often disputed because they are caused due to ill fitting shoes worn over prolonged periods.

While some are against surgical procedures, often there is no other solution. Genetics too may cause bunions but the chances of the same are rare. It may also occur due to the pressure applied on the toes. Here are some cures for the same.

9 Methods To Cure Bunions

Bunion Pads

Special bunion pads are suggested to ease the symptoms of bunion. Basically these are reusable pads that can be made from gel, fleece or even other similar materials. Available in easily in pharmacies and even supermarkets, all that you need to do is stick them over the bunion.

These special pads have a loop that fits just right on the big too and protects it from friction. It also protects the feet from the shoes and hence reduces pressure that is exerted on the bunion. These pads offer protection from the constant wear and tear of everyday life and thus heal the bunion much faster.

Bunion Pads


Orthotics is a term used for defining devices that are easily placed inside the shoes and they aid in better alignment of the foot bone. Basically the bunion tends to exert unnecessary pressure on the feet and also on the back. These soles help in relieving pressure caused because of the same and thus prove to provide respite.

However, it should be remembered that the bunion should fit properly or aptly, if too loose or too tight, you can risk further damage to the foot. You can consult a podiatrist for the same, who will guide you better in treating these feet problems. If you want you can also get these orthotics in any of the pharmacies or get one made specially for the feet, if your sizes or problem is rather odd.


Hot And Cold Compression

Ice packs along with alternating hot and cold compression is suggested for easing bunion pain. The joint of the toe tends to get inflamed and hence this alternate heating helps in relieving the pain, swelling and other associated symptoms. As a rule of thumb, ice should not be applied right over the bunion, it should covered in a cloth or bag first and then done. The same applies for the heat therapy too.Hot And Cold Compression

Apt Footwear

Those suffering from bunions should avoid wearing heels completely. In fact, it is highly recommended that you opt for comfortable flat shoes or something with very low heel. Since the toe joints tend to get inflamed, it is also advised that you opt for wider shoes so that there is enough room for toe movement. Those made from soft leather is the best because it prevents further damage to the bunions.

Remember that the problem occurred in the first place because of wrong shoes, so it makes sense that you avoid it from recurring or getting worse by wearing right shoes. In this reference, flip flops and very narrow shoes tend to aggravate the problems due to exertion of pressure on the toes.

Apt Footwear

Exercises Of The Foot

Foot exercises are highly suggested to cure the problems of bunions permanently. It has been seen that with exercises, one can make slow but steady progress. It is best to try and walk barefoot on the grass or on the beach to help the tissues heal faster.  You can also try stretching your big goes by pulling it in alignment with the other toes. Then you stretch the remaining toes too.

Hold each of the postures for at least 10 seconds. So it is 10 seconds of stretching, followed by 10 seconds of pause. This should be done at least 5-7 times in a day or more if you can.

Exercises Of The Foot

Flexing Exercises

Flexing toes is another sensible idea for helping ease the problem of bunions in the long run. You can flex the toes, by pressing them on the floor or even against a wall till they bend back. Hold the posture for 10 seconds and again repeat a few times.

Flexing Exercises


Gripping objects or even just making an attempt to grip using the toes is a good way to heal the signs of bunions. You can try gripping small objects like towels or any small article. Then drop the same and pick it up again. Do this at least 10 times a day. This helps in flexing and stretching the toe muscles, which in the long run helps in alignment and cures the problem gradually but surely.



This is usually the last solution suggested for bunions and the surgery is termed as bunionectomy. The procedure requires local anesthesia or even general anesthesia in special cases. For this you will need to visit a hospital for the realignment and the cutting of the ligaments. In case the bunion is very intense, a technique termed as osteotomy may be suggested. In such cases, there are wires and screws placed or inserted inside the feet to keep the bones in line.

At times, excess bones may be shaved or even removed. The process can get rather complicated here, especially to prevent the recurrence of bunions. However, in many cases, this for of treatment becomes mandatory to ease the non stop pain and discomfort.



It is suggested that you try pain killers to get rid of the pain caused due to bunion. Some of them like paracetamol or ibuprofen are highly recommended because they will help you improve other functions and also heal the tissues, which have been damaged.

It also means that you can exercise better and opt for other treatments, without much of pain hassles. But this is a temporary and not permanent cure but they help to reduce swelling and other associate symptoms.



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