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Top 9 Herbal Remedies For Sciatica

[toc]Sciatica is a condition which results due to the pinching or exertion of pressure on one of the largest nerves in the human body, the sciatic nerve. If the pain is very severe and in chronic cases, surgery may be required. However, for those experiencing milder symptoms of this condition, herbal remedies are also a very good idea.


Herbs which heal the pain caused by sciatica include St. John’s Wort, Night Jasmine, Jamaican Dogwood, Turmeric, Kratom, Wintergreen, Chamomile, Horsetail, Jaquirity and Long Pepper. Herbal remedies are very effective in relieving the pain, soreness and stiffness of the muscles and reducing the severity of the cramps in a person suffering from sciatica. This article highlights some of the top herbal remedies for sciatica.

Best Herbal Remedies For Sciatica


This herb has long since been used in Indonesia for helping people to soothe pain. Mitragyna Speciosa  is the botanical name by which this herb is known and it is native to the South East Asian region. Alkaloids found in the leaves of this herb have the ability to relieve pain as effectively as medicine.

Research indicates that this herb has the power to ease the pain linked to conditions such as arthritis and sciatica. You can crush the dried leaves of this herb and add it to a tea or hot drink which you should consume regularly to gain relief from sciatica.



This herb has been a known cure for painful conditions such as sciatica because Turmeric possesses anti-inflammatory properties. This herb contains curcumin which helps to ease the inflammation and pain associated with nerve conditions such as sciatica.

The rhizome of the Turmeric herb is useful in warding off sciatica pain and it can be crushed into a paste and applied on the affected areas for getting quick relief from the pain. Turmeric known botanically as Curcuma Longa is a herb which has remarkable healing powers and it can also be had in powdered form with hot milk to ease pain.


Long Pepper

Long Pepper known by the botanical name Piper Longum is a herb which has been used by tribes in South India for healing pain. It can also be a useful herbal remedy for sciatica. Known locally as Lendi Peppar in India, this herb has the ability to ease soreness and acute pain experienced by people who have sciatica.

The seeds of this herb should be boiled in water and then the liquid should be strained. A pinch of Camphor and some ground Ginger should be added to this concoction and mixed till a fine paste emerges. This paste can be applied topically to the parts of the body afflicted by sciatica.

Long Pepper

Night Jasmine

Night Jasmine is also commonly known as Tree of Sorrow. This herb has small white flowers with orange centers and is known in India as Harshingar. The bark of this herb has powerful healing properties and it can alleviate pain.

You need to take the bark of this herb and make it into a paste, adding ginger, camphor and garlic cloves to the paste. Apply this herbal paste on parts of your body where the pain caused by the sciatica is hampering movement and causing stiffness and soreness in the limbs. This herb will naturally heal and ease the pain experienced by a person afflected with sciatica.

Night Jasmine


Also known as Crab’s Eye colloquially, this herb has the power to heal the acute pain experienced in parts of the body such as the limbs. Known by the botanical name Abrus Precatorius, this herb is perennial and flowers throughout the year.

The seeds of this herb should be crushed and mixed with edible oil and then this mixture should be used to massage the body for a person to get relief from sciatica pain. The herb is analgesic in nature and it blocks the pain felt by a person suffering from sciatica. You can also make a paste of Crab’s Eye and Garlic which can be applied to parts of the body impacted by sciatica.



This herb is very useful and effective for curing the pain experienced by sciatica patients. This is because one of the chief constituents of this herb is methyl salicylate which is helpful in stopping pain associated with diseases like rheumatism and sciatica.

Oil should be extracted from this herb and applied topically to get relief from sciatica. An additional advantage is that this herb also has anti-inflammatory properties so it not only eases the pain but also reduces the swelling and stiffness in the areas affected by sciatica. This herb is also an astringent and it is commonly known as Checkerberry.


Jamaican Dogwood

The bark of the Jamaican Dogwood  has many medicinal benefits. One of these is that it can alleviate nerve pain caused by sciatica.  You can make tea containing the powdered form of the bark and consume it consistently to ensure relief from sciatica.

You can also take this herb in the form of a tincture or tablet. The dried root of Jamaican Dogwood can also be taken to rid the body of pain caused by sciatica. This herb is an anodyne and it can also be used in tincture form. This herb has also been used for curing pain associated with migraine and tooth ache. Piscidia Erythrina is the scientific, botanical name of this herb.

Jamaican Dogwood


Chamomile tea can be consumed to relieve tension and stiffness in the muscles caused by sciatica. This herb has the ability to relax and soothe the body.  Chamomile contains a substance called Azuline which is very effective in relieving inflammation and discomfort associated with it.

Chamomile herbal paste can also be applied topically by persons who are suffering from sciatica in order to get relief from the condition. Chamomile should not be used by pregnant or lactating women as it can cause uterine contractions. It should also not be used by persons allergic to Rag Weed.


St. John’s Wort

Although traditionally associated with treatment for depression and anxiety disorders, this herb also possesses anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties which makes it an effective cure for sciatica. It is a well known herbal cure for nerve pain and uterine cramps.

St. John’s Wort contains Hypericin which soothes inflammations and it can seep through the skin if the oil of this herb is applied topically. The tincture of this herb can also be applied to the body parts affected by sciatica in order to get relief from the pain.

St. John’s Wort

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