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7 Magical Home Remedies For Cuts

[toc]A cut is an injury, in which the skin is torn open. A cut can be either on the surface or it could be a deep wound. Sometimes the cuts are deep and injure tissues, bones, muscles and ligaments etc.

7 Magical Home Remedies For Cuts

First of all the cut has to be defined as a on the surface cut or a deep cut. Listed below are home remedies which will help in the fast cure of the cuts.

Home Remedies For Cuts


It is a known old time healer which has been used to heal the cuts, scrapes etc. Garlic contains allicin, an antimicrobial agent that protects the cuts against any infections. Take three cloves of garlic and one cup of wine. Put it in a mixer and blend both garlic and the wine together. After mixing it well pour the contents in a bowl and leave it in the open for about 3 hours. Taking a clean cloth apply this mixture to the cut.



Honey is very effective in treating cuts, sores, bruises etc.  Honey dehydrates the wound and keeps it infection free.  Take some honey on a clean gauge and apply it directly to the wound. You must do this twice a day. In a few days the wound will be healed. Honey can also be consumed in the mornings by mixing one tablespoon with some warm water.



Like garlic onion too contains the anti microbial agent allicin. Take half an onion and crush it, add to it a little honey and apply it to the wound. Just remember that it should not be left there for more than an hour. The allicin in the onion and the properties in the onion will heal and keep the cuts infection free. Repeat this treatment three times a day.


Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a great medicinal plant and is useful in most of the ailments. Take a leaf of Aloe and extract juice from it. If you do not have a fresh aloe leaf, you can also use an aloe cream available in the market. Use a clean cloth to apply the gel over the cut. Repeat this after every two to three hours. The cut will heal fast.

Aloe vera


Turmeric has great medicinal power. Use turmeric powder over the wound, the bleeding will stop immediately and help in the healing too. Turmeric is an antiseptic and an antibiotic, so it can be directly applied over the cut or wound. You can also mix turmeric power with some water to make a smooth paste and apply this on the cut.


Comfrey Leaves

Comfrey leaves contain allantoin; this stimulates division of cell and helps in the faster healing of wound, cuts and bruises. Take some fresh leaves of comfrey and crush it well. Then apply it directly to the wound.  You can do the same with creams of comfrey available in the market.

Comfrey leaves

Tea Bags

Take a cold tea bag and hold it to the cut for a minute or two. Tea bags have tannic acids which promote the blood vessels to constrict faster. It also slows down the flow of blood. This stops bleeding from the cut immediately.

Tea bag

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