Dry Scalp, Featured, Health Care

5 How To Treat Scalp Psoriasis

[toc]Scalp psoriasis is a condition that creates an embarrassing and annoying problem, as a result of discomfort and irritation. Dandruff becomes a byproduct in this condition that makes white flakes fall on clothes worn and furniture.

5 How To Treat Scalp Psoriasis

One more significant problem in this condition is hair fall, which leads to baldness in the later sections. Before going out for a medical treatment, it is useful to look for natural remedies that can be readily used to get rid of this condition.

Best Ways To Treat Scalp Psoriasis

Use Of Egg And Yogurt

Using plain yogurt for conditioning the hair after taking a shower with shampoo will work in reducing dry scalp and becomes a remedy for other problems of the scalp. The addition of an egg to the yogurt before applying it to the scalp helps in increasing fullness to hair for those who have uncontrollable, thin and light hair.

Take plain yogurt in a cup and beat an egg into it, then apply it thoroughly by rubbing onto the scalp till it enters into the hair after shampooing. Leave it for ten minutes, and then take a shower to clean it completely. This method gives the best result.

Use Of Egg And Yogurt

Using Oatmeal Treatment

Oatmeal treatment for dry scalp gives a very good result gradually. Take oatmeal of about ¼ cup and soak it in the water for about 20 minutes, then stir the liquid nicely. Strain the oatmeal solution into a bowl and add 5 drops rosemary oil and lavender oil to it.

Then mix the solution properly and apply to the scalp for ten minutes. The contents of the oatmeal and the herbal oils work together to get rid of the dry scalp itching. This gives a temporary relief and therefore, it needs to be practiced regularly.

Using Oatmeal Treatment

Use Of Rum And Onion Massage

Take an onion and slice it into pieces. Soak these onion pieces in the rum for a few hours to prepare a mixture. Use this solution as massage oil and apply it by rubbing over the scalp using fingertips.

Be aware of the fingernails which may scratch out the scalp and worsen the condition. This head massage promotes hair growth by stimulating hair follicles, while the mixture of onion and rum clears off the dry scalp problem.

Use Of Rum And Onion Massage

Conditioning Of Hair

Massage the scalp with one ounce of warm olive oil thoroughly and leave it for thirty minutes. Wash the hair two times after thirty minutes to clean the oil from the hair. Further conditioning of the hair can also be done using fermented apple vinegar.

Prepare the dilute fermented apple vinegar by mixing two teaspoons of the same vinegar with one cup of water. After the shampooing and cleaning of the hair, apply the dilute fermented apple vinegar onto the scalp. Do not wash the hair to remove the vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Use Of Aloe Vera Juice

Applying of Aloe Vera juice of about one teaspoon to the scalp frequently moisturizes the dry scalp. Hair does not look dirty or oily even if the Aloe Vera juice is left in the hair.

Aloe Vera juice can be purchased from the local store of health-food. Before purchasing of the Aloe Vera juice, it should be noted that it should not contain any added sugar in it.

Use Of Aloe Vera Juice

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