Featured, Health Care, Herbal Remedies, Malaria

8 Top Herbal Remedies For Malaria

[toc]A bite from a female anopheles mosquito infected by plasmodium parasite is what causes malaria. Typical symptoms of malaria such as fever, dehydration, sweating, weakness and chills can be alleviated through the use of herbal remedies alongside allopathic medication. Some of the best herbal remedies for malaria are Sweet Wormwood, Cinnamon, Feverfew, Echinacea, Spanish Needle, African Peach, Woolly Woodvine and Garlic.

Herbal Remedies For Malaria

Some of these herbal remedies destroy the malarial parasite in the body. Others are effective in reducing the fever and increasing the immunity of the body. Some of these herbs are as effective as medication in countering the symptoms of malaria. This article covers some of the most efficacious herbal remedies for combating malaria. Do consult a qualified medical health care practitioner before taking any of these herbal remedies.

Excellent Herbal Remedies For Malaria


Tanacetum Parthenium  is the botanical name of this herb. It has been used in many European civilizations as a cure for diseases and disorders. As the name of this herb suggests, its chief medical benefit is that it lowers fever. As malaria is characterized by high fever, it is important to use this herbal remedy to combat this disease. Parthenolides are chemical compounds found in this herb which reduce fever caused due to conditions ranging from malaria to influenza.

Feverfew is available in supplement and extract form. But it is best when taken in tablet form. Take about 200 milligrams of this herb each day to alleviate the symptoms of malaria. The nausea and lack of appetite induced by this disease can also be countered by taking Feverfew.



Cinnamon is known by the Latin name Cinnamomum Zeylanicum. This herb is well known for spicing up cakes and baked items. It has a sweetish taste and it is used to flavor curries in India, where it is known as Dalchini. Cinnamon bark contains many medicinal properties.

Besides containing nutrients like manganese, iron and calcium, this herb also contains compounds like cinnamyl acetate and cinnamaldehyde which help to cure malaria. Powder the bark of this herb and then mix it with hot water and honey. Consume this mixture every day for getting relief from the symptoms of malaria.


Sweet Wormwood

Artemisia Annua is the botanical name conferred upon this herb. It is also known as a very potent herbal remedy for malaria. Sweet Wormwood leaves have been used as a herbal cure for malaria in China since ancient times. A chemical compound in this herb known as artemisinin is capable of fending off malarial parasite induced infection, according to researchers. Flavanoids in the dried leaves of this herb give this compound the potency to combat the malarial parasite inhabiting the human body. You can crush the dried leaves of this herb into a fine powder and consume this daily for warding off malaria.

Sweet Wormwood


Allium Sativum is the botanical name of Garlic. Garlic has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is also very effective in combating virus and parasites due to the presence of antioxidants like allicin, ajoene and alliin. Garlic is best when consumed raw in chopped or crushed form.

You can eat cloves of Garlic to ensure that your recovery process becomes quicker. Garlic also refreshes the system. You can also take Garlic tablets, if you find the potent smell of raw Garlic difficult to bear. Garlic has many benefits for instilling good health including developing the resistance of the body to fight parasite caused diseases like malaria.


Spanish Needle

The botanical name of this herb is Bidens Pilosa. Spanish Needle is also used in China as a herbal remedy where it is called Gui Zhen Cao. Triterpenes, flavonoids,  steroids and sesquiterpenes found in this herb give it anti-malarial properties. This herb is also hypotensive and anti-ulcer.

Researchers have found the roots of this herb to be as effective as allopathic medication in treating the symptoms of malaria. This herb should not be opted for if you are pregnant. You must also avoid this herbal remedy if you are suffering from bladder or kidney ailments. You can soak the root of this herb in hot water for 3 to 4 hours and then strain the liquid and drink it to get good results.

Spanish Needle

African Peach

The Latin name of this herb is Nauclea Latifolia. This African herb has been used as a folk remedy for malaria since ancient times in Africa. Traditional healers often prescribe this herb as a remedy for the fever and chills that accompany malaria. The root of this herb is particularly beneficial in treating malaria. Saponins, indole alkaloids monoterpenes, and triterpenes found in this herb give it anti-malarial, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Malaria can be effectively treated using this herb. The extract from the root of this herb has been found to reduce the fever and eliminate body ache caused due to malaria. African Peach is a herb which has the ability to also lower inflammations making it an effective cure for maladies and ailments other than malaria as well.  Experts recommend that this herb should be avoided for women who are pregnant.

African Peach

Woolly Woodvine

Sabicea Villosa is the botanical name of this herb. It is native to South America. This South American herb is used to treat dysentery, diarrhea and malaria. Researchers have found this herb to be particularly beneficial in curing malaria found to be resistant to conventional allopathic medication such as chloroquine.

Plasmodium Falciparum is a particular strain of the malarial parasite which has found to be responsive to treatment using the leaves of Woolly Woodvine. You can take the crushed leaves of this herb to eliminate malaria. You can also take an extract made from the leaves of this herb to alleviate the symptoms of malaria. Malaria which is not responding to medication can be treated using Woolly Woodvine leaves. You should not take this herb if you are pregnant.


Echinacea  Augustifolia is the Latin name of this herb. In common parlance, it is referred to as Purple Cone Flower. Echinacea is a well known herbal remedy for boosting immunity. Due to this reason, it is a very good herbal remedy for malaria. Combating the malarial parasite in the body causes the person to develop fever.

Echinacea increases the resistance of the body to the infection causing parasite and increases the ability of the body to fight back against the disease. Echinacea improves immune system functioning and also guards against the recurrence of malaria. You can take this herb in the form of an extract or supplement. Tea prepared from the roots of this herb can also be consumed regularly to enhance your immunity and combat malaria.


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