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5 Herbal Methods To Increase Female Libido

[toc]Loss of libido is a common complaint of every woman at some point of time. Generally, the symptoms are associated with menopause, but adult females of different age groups have observed a reduction in the sexual drive says one source.

5 Methods To Increase Female Libido

Though there is no clear-cut solution to this problem, various methods and strategies can help in treating this issue and the overall health. As a first step, it is important for women to become aware of the factors that primarily affect their sexual arousal and identify the treatments that can help them.

Most women are embarrassed to discuss this problem with their doctor. Women who suffer from depression and stress are usually suggested anti depressants, but they are not aware that these medications make the situation worse. They need to actually know that the crux of the problem is the frustration and irritation that is caused due to the non-sync of their libido with their partners. A few herbal remedies to treat this condition and enhance better libido in women are discussed below.

5 Herbal Methods To Increase Female Libido

Chaste Tree Berry

Vitex or chaste tree berry helps in stimulating progesterone production and reduces the estrogen if it is found in excess in the body. It has a normalizing effect on female libido. It also effectively helps in treating depression, which occurs due to hormonal imbalance and menstruation. This effect of chaste tree berry is very beneficial in regaining the sexual desire in females.

Chaste Tree Berry

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It has been revealed that there may be an increase in the female libido when yohimbe herb is combined with aginine, which is an amino acid. Yohimbe acts on the nerves by blocking its activities, which dilate the blood vessels, elevates, and improves the flow of blood to the sexual organs, thus enhancing sexual arousal in women.


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Ginseng is known to aid sexual arousal in both women and men. The Ginsenosides found in ginseng helps in releasing nitric oxide in the blood vessels and increases the overall blood circulation, especially to the reproductive parts.

Ginseng prevents vaginal atrophy since it has an effect similar to that of estrogen on the reproductive tissues in females. Ginseng also increases stamina and endurance. When ginseng is combined with DHEA it increases libido and improves overall well being.


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Gingko Biloba

Gingko biloba is another effective herb, which greatly helps in increasing libido in women. It helps in increasing the peripheral circulation, which in turn assist increased sexual functions. When a study was done, it was found that about 84% of people, who had gingko biloba as an anti depressant, found an increase in their sexual libido.

Gingko Biloba

Dong Quai

This herb is quite popular due to its beneficial effects in treating symptoms associated with menopause. Dong Quai is known to relax the peripheral blood vessels thereby increasing the flow of blood to the reproductive organs.

This helps in increasing and improving the sexual performance. The herb is also effective in regaining the hormonal balance in women and prevents irregular periods. It helps in improving the overall reproductive health as well.

Dong Quai

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