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How To Treat Acne Scars

[toc]There are various acne treatment methods. You can get the treatment with the drugs prescribed by a dermatologist and also try out the various home remedies. However, the actual treatment begins only when you keep the skin clean and dry.

Acne Scars

This helps a lot in bringing down the outbreaks. You can find various items in your kitchen to treat the mild acne scars. In case of initial stages or the isolated scars, you can find the home remedies that are efficient and a medical practitioner’s intervention is not required in these cases. Stick to the program till the blemishes are cleared completely. Here are a few ideas that tell you how to treat acne scars.

5 Ways To Treat Acne Scars

Lifestyle Changes

Apart from the drugs and other natural remedies, a healthy lifestyle is also required to make sure that you treat the acne scars successfully. A diet regime that consists of fresh fruits and vegetables and less fat and oily foods is advised. Consume plenty of water – at least 8 ounces per day.

Exercises also play a vital role. Cleanse and moisturize the skin every day. Grabbing enough sleep makes you calm and relaxed. Avoid stress. When you do all of these, you can successfully eliminate the acne scars.


Seeking Medical Help

A dermatologist can offer you various options based on the blemishes and the other health conditions. You can go for the collagen injections which can make the acne scars less visible. You need to get this procedure done frequently.

Dermabrasion removes scars at the surface level and also the scars that lie below the skin by using the brushes. Microdermabrasion is a method that blows crystals on the scars. The laser therapy can also help a great deal in removing acne scars as the skin areas are zapped and new skin grows.


Using Sunscreen

Acne scars can be treated or at least it’s intensity and frequency are greatly reduced by using a sunscreen. You can use the sunscreen creams with SPF 15 or higher.

Sun rays can generally damage the skin tissues and in case of acne scars, the damage is severe and this is why using sunscreen becomes inevitable if you want to eliminate the blemishes. When the scars are on the process of healing, exposure to sun hinders the process. Apply sunscreens on the affected area before you expose yourself to the sunlight.


Best Natural Cures For Acne Scars
How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars
Easy And Workable Home Remedies For Acne Scars

Home Remedies

Cook oatmeal and apply it on the face when it is cooled. Leave this on the face for a while and wash it off. The nutrients in oatmeal are beneficial for the health of the skin and act on the acne scars to eliminate them.

The anti-bacterial properties of honey are excellent for fighting the acne scars. Apply honey on the face for a few minutes and wash it off with warm water. Applying vegetables like potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes are also beneficial, because they tone and cleanse the skin naturally.


Surgical Options

Surgery can clear the acne scars faster than any of the methods. A surgical option is very expensive and is the perfect option for treating the scars that cannot be controlled by medications or laser therapies. The punch excision surgery involves cutting of every acne scar.

The scar site is left with a hole which gets hidden with skin grafting or with stitches. No scar marks are visible due to the surgery. You can try any of these acne scar elimination methods. Home remedies can help in case of mild scars and checking with a dermatologist helps in identifying the best method to eliminate the scars.


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