Bursitis, Featured, Health Care, Natural Cure

5 Natural Cure For Bursitis

Natural Cure To Bursitis

[toc]Bursitis is a problem that is caused due to inflammation in bursa, which is a small sac that has liquid fluid, which reduces friction between different body tissues. There are almost 160 burs in the human body, and it is mainly found in the shoulders, joints, hips, knees, and elbows. It is mainly caused due to injury or accident.

Rheumatic conditions can also trigger this problem. Here the patient suffers from immense pain, which can be sometimes unbearable. However, there are simple and effective natural cures that can help you in coping with this problem effectively. Read this article to know some of them.

Some Of The Best Natural Cures For Bursitis

Mullein Tea

Mullein Tea To Reduce Bursitis

This is one of the most effective ways to cure this medical problem. You can consume the mullein tea which is made up of Mullein leaves. It contains high quantity of flavanoids, sugars, sterols, mucilage, and iridous. All these ingredients will help you in relieving your pain and control it effectively.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil To Reduce Bursitis

It is another way of effectively controlling the medical problem. It has antioxidant agents and also is rich is Omega-3 fatty acids. These ingredients play an important role in reducing the inflammation that is usually caused by patients suffering from this problem.

It will regenerate the skin, and help in the quick rebuilding of the damaged cells and tissues. You can consume one tablespoon of fish oil every day, and remain healthy in a simple way. It will take off the stiffness and pain that are common in several joint areas.

Orange Juice

Orange Juice To Reduce Bursitis

There are many benefits of drinking orange juice on a regular basis. People drink them to stay healthy. Orange is rich in Vitamin C, which helps in providing an accurate level of antioxidants. It can easily and quickly damaged the repaired cells and relieve you from the pain.

The best part is that it reduces any further damage, which is nothing but more painful. If you have insufficient Vitamin C, then there are chances that the pain might increase and cause swelling and in some cases infection. It is recommended to drink at least 2 glasses of juice every day.

Vegetables Rich In Vitamin E

Vitamin E To Reduce Bursitis

Tomato is one of the vegetables that is rich in Vitamin E. There are many health benefits associated with Vitamin E, and thus it is suggested to include it in your food on a regular basis. It also acts as an antioxidant agent, and is free from any sort of radical who is known to cause damage to your body tissues and cells. This vegetable reduces the secretion of synovial fluid, which is nothing but a type of lubricant that absorbs pressure avoids friction between 2 cells.

Drink Enough Water And Juice

Drink Water To Reduce Bursitis

Beside these above-mentioned curing processes, you can also drink a plenty of water on a regular basis. You can also prepare some juice from fruits or vegetables available at your home. All you need to do is cut them into pieces and grind them well in a blender. Add sugar to it and drink it regularly. If you are suffering from bursitis, then it is suggested to consume at least 2-3 glass of juice every day.

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