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5 Best Home Remedies For Hair Fall

[toc]Hair fall is one of the common problems that majority of the population have to face. This is solely because of the increasing external factors like pollution as well as internal ones like changing lifestyles and eating habits. Hair fall is a severe issue and in a lot of cases lead to complete hair fall or balding.

Hair Fall

Since, hair is one of the most significant aspects for attraction; it cannot be afforded to be lost like this. This list of home remedies will give you a range of effective options in hand to ensure that there is a control over hair fall as much as possible. Follow them on a strict regimen.

Home Remedies For Hair Fall

Hot Oil Treatment

Any oil from coconut to olive or even almond oil can help you in strengthening the roots as well as enhancing the hair growth. It also helps in keeping the scalp healthy and nourishes it deeply. These are some of the situations that will help you in treating hair fall. For a hot oil treatment, take some of the oil in a bowl and keep it in a bigger bowl full of hot water.

This will make the oil hot and perfect for application on the hair. Now use this oil to massage the hair and the strands and leave it overnight or at least for 2-3 hours. Rinse off with a mild shampoo that suits your hair type. This home remedy is effective for controlling hair fall in a drastic way.

Hot Oil Treatment

Banana And Avocado Pack

To ensure that the hair fall is treated, it is important to make sure that they hair is nourished well and deep conditioned as well. Along with this, you need to take care of the dryness. A good way to achieve all the goals and maintain complete hair health along with treating hair fall from a home remedy is to prepare a banana and avocado pack. Mash fresh banana with the pulp of avocado and apply it evenly on the scalp and the strands. This should be left for at least 45 minutes before washing off. Follow this every 15 days to see how well it treats the crisis in one or two sessions.

Banana And Avocado Pack

Coconut Milk

For tissue nourishing, coconut milk has the best nutrients among the home products. Keeping this handy for the treatment of hair fall is one of the best decisions that you can make. Take out fresh milk of coconut by grating it and squeezing out the milk. This should be massaged on the scalp and left for about 2-3 hours before rinsing. Follow it once a week for best outcomes.

Coconut Milk

Aloe Vera

Fresh Aloe Vera gel has loads of benefits for the body, skin and hair. This includes the treatment and home remedies for severe hair fall as well. The same can be used in the form of aloe Vera juice as well. Apply it on the scalp and the hair strands directly to balance the Ph levels. This should be left for about 3-4 hours and then washed with lukewarm water. Follow the home remedy two times in a week to cure hair fall.

Aloe Vera

Amla Treatment

Coconut oil can be boiled with some dried amla till the time the liquid turns black and then applied on the scalp for the treatment of hair fall. Amla powder can also be missed with shikakai powder and formed into a paste to apply on the scalp for hair fall treatment. This should be kept for sometime before washing off to see the results and voluminous and healthy hair.
Amla Treatment