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How To Cure Diabetes

[toc]Diabetes is a very common form of metabolic disease or disorder which is related to high level of sugar in the blood, caused either when sufficient amount of insulin is not produced by the pancreas or when the cells fail to respond to the insulin produced.


There are many types of diabetes and the most common types are Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes. Type 1 occurs when the body is unable to produce insulin, type 2 is marked by the body’s inability to use the insulin produced, while the third one is seen in pregnant women without any previous diagnosis of diabetes. Type 1 is more rampant.

The symptoms of diabetes are weight loss, increased thirst and hunger, fatigue, constant urge for urination and very slow healing of wounds. It is worth remembering that diabetes is such a disorder that cannot be cured completely. However, there are many ways to keep it in control, including some natural ailments that can bring about drastic improvements. Adequate physical activities and exercises are an integral part of controlling diabetes, apart from diabetes friendly diet.

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8 Methods To Cure Diabetes

Anjeer Or Figs

Figs are grown in the western parts of Asia. However, dry figs or anjeer are available everywhere. Used as a dry fruits in cuisines and desserts, it is a warehouse of vital nutrients like minerals, vitamins, iron, manganese, sodium, potassium and calcium.

According to the American Diabetes Association, it is a high fiber fruit and the potassium present in it aids in regulating the sugar absorbed by the body from food. Its leaves are also extremely beneficial, as they have the ability to make a diabetic person’s life insulin free, with regular intake.


Fenugreek Or Methi

Fenugreek is aromatic in natural and its uses are both culinary and medicinal. Both the seeds and the leaves are excellent antidotes against diabetes and other health conditions like arthritis, high cholesterol, kidney ailments, etc. They are rich in dietary fiber and help in curing diabetes by slowing down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.

Methi seeds can be roasted and added in any cooked food for its aroma. Powdered or soaked methi seeds are also very good for metabolism. The leaves with a mild bitter taste, area rich source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They can be consumed as a green leafy vegetable and mixed with snacks. The dried leaves work as an aromatic herb like dried oregano or thyme.


Bitter Gourd Or Karela

Bitter gourd or bitter melon is a vegetable with bitter taste which is a blend of food values and medicinal properties. It is used to heal diabetes, burns and wounds, colic, menstrual pain, cough and even assist childbirth.

Bitter gourd is richly enriched with vital vitamins and minerals. It is being used as a herbal remedy since ages, against diabetes due to the anti-diabetic substances present in it. The substances like charantin, vicine, polypeptide-p and lectin have blood glucose lowering effect and insulin like properties.

bitter gourd


Cinnamon helps in controlling the glucose level in blood by increasing the glucose metabolism rate. Proanthocyanidin , which is a bioflavonoid found in cinnamon, works by altering the insulin-signaling activity in our fat cells. Due to slight sweet taste, it can also be used as a sweetener instead of brown sugar or the regular sugar. Powdered cinnamon is extensively used in cakes, muffins, breads, ice-creams, puddings and salads as a sweetener.

Half a teaspoon of cinnamon every day amazingly brings down blood sugar level, bad cholesterol and triglycerides. However, it works only when followed by exercise and a healthy lifestyle.


Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed is a strong anti-oxidant. Grape seed extract works effectively on markers of inflammation and glycemia. It strengthens the capillaries and arteries of  hose who are suffering from diabetes or in a pre-diabetic condition, as these organs of a diabetic person are weaker as compared to a non-diabetic person.

A daily dose of 200-300 mg helps in improving the immunity and strength of a diabetes patient. However, people with an allergy towards grapes should refrain from grape seed extract.

Grape Seed

Vitamin C

Diabetes causes a lot of oxidative damages or damages to our cells and DNA through free radicals. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, which is a very good anti-oxidant, provides a protective shield against such damages. It also increases the elasticity of small blood vessels or capillaries. It also prevents against the accumulation of sorbitol within cells, and provides protection against possible damages to various body organs like eyes and nerves.

Fruits and vegetables are the biggest sources of Vitamin C. However, it is important to be a bit careful while consuming them as some of them like carrots, mangoes, grapes. etc. also contain large amount of sugar, which should be strictly avoided by a diabetic patient. Red and green hot chili peppers, Indian gooseberry or amla, guavas, green leafy vegetables and herbs, oranges, lemons are some of the fruits and vegetables that can be consumed without any inhibition.



Exercise helps in controlling the level of sugar in our blood and lowering the risks associated with cardiovascular diseases. While working out, the muscles are likely to uptake more amount of sugar, which results in the reduction of blood sugar levels

Brisk walks, jogging, cycling, swimming, playing badminton and tennis are very beneficial for a person suffering from diabetes as it helps in improving the use of insulin by our body,  reducing body fats, lowering blood pressure, reducing weight and increasing the overall energy level of the body. Yoga poses that are diabetes specific are also extremely helpful.


Eating Habits

Although losing weight is very important for a diabetic patient, skipping meals and starving ourselves will not be of any help. Eating a healthy breakfast will provide the energy required by the body and regulate the level of blood sugar. Eating three meals a day and snacks in between are also an important part of a diabetic diet.

Consuming consistent amount of carbohydrates and keeping calorie intake the same, goes a long way in regulating level of blood sugar. You may also maintain a food diary which will help in increasing self-awareness and avoiding  irresistible carvings for unhealthy eating.


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